If you have ever made mayo at home using the dribbling in of the oil method you know it can normally be a slow process. But, if you own a stick blender and have, oh about 2 minutes to spare you can whip up a batch of this home made mayo at short notice! No mayo? No problem.

All you need are the following ingredients:
1 Cup of light olive oil - (don't use extra virgin as the taste is too strong)
1 Egg
2 Teaspoons of lemon juice
2 teaspoons of English mustard
Pinch of salt

Crack your egg into a jar large enough to allow the head of your stick blender to fit through.
Add the lemon juice, mustard and salt.
Pour the olive oil over the top & allow the egg to settle back to the bottom of the jar.
Place the head of the stick blender firmly on top of the egg and hold it in place at the bottom of the jar. Turn on the blender and watch the magic happen! The ingredients will start turning into creamy smooth mayonnaise in literally a matter of seconds as you watch. As this process slows, move the stick blender up and down to thoroughly blend all the oil in.

Unplug the stick blender from the power for safety and remove it from the jar, use a small spoon to remove the mayo attached to it and place it back in the jar - don't want to waste any!
That's it. Refrigerate the mayo. It lasts about a week in the fridge I find.
Disclaimer: This recipe uses raw egg, health authorities warn that raw eggs may potentially contain Salmonella bacteria transferred form the shell. You should decide if eating foods with raw eggs in them is safe for you.